Tuesday 21 August 2012

Rainbow Veins

<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <333 !!!! 

:) 19th of August. Celebrated my birthday with Dharsh,Jo,Prasena and Iris. Karaoke-d till we lost our voice,so much of screaming,so much of laughter.All our happy and content faces, I miss it so much now.I honestly couldn't have hoped for anything more than this.This mini celebration,with those I grew to love throughout this three years in high school,it meant everything to me.Although there was nothing so spectacular,but I really loved it.Thank you so much guys :)

Jo :) On the right.Cyn Er couldn't make it -.- but i know it would be great with her too :)

Iris and Prasena :) So sweet right ? :)

Unfortunately,i shall not post any pictures of Dharsh since I know she'll kill me -.-
I love them. This people :) We'll take a picture together sometime.But until then,we'll just have to settle with this.

I love you guys

Saturday 11 August 2012

A brief freedom ?

Trials ended last Thursday, so we can all relax a little now.A little,because there's simply more to come.


There is honestly no time for me to slow things down although we do have a one week break thanks to Raya next next week.Its not really a break for any of us at this stage as immediately after that we'll have to sit for another trials and go for drills and all.Its also not helping that there is less than two months to go before PMR. Just hoping for the best and yeah.My study mode = on.Anyway ,gonna watch Step Up 4 tomorrow with Dharsh and Prasena, can't wait ! Until then :)


There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work, and learning from failure.

Wednesday 1 August 2012

LEO I.R. photo spam 1

 Yuen Yee <3 

Welcoming August

#Random 1

"Every Great Dream Begins With A Dreamer. Always Remember, You Have Within You The Strength, The Patience, & The Passion to Reach For The Stars to Change the World."

- Harriet Tubman -

Location: Wicklow Mountains, Ireland

Photographer: Marcisovsky Photography

Inspirational post which appeared on my newsfeed. :) 


Day 1
Day 2
Day 3 
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7   

6 more days to go !!!!! :D