Tuesday 25 December 2012

Somewhere Over The Rainbow

I can't even begin to explain how elated I am about this.PMR results were out a couple of days ago when I was still in Sydney.So I was anxious the whole time there,trying to get someone to inform me of my results since I was unable to collect it myself.Sydney is about 3 hours ahead from Malaysian time so that made the wait much more agonizing.

But the results were out & surprisingly Thanesh was the first person who told me 'bout my results.Honestly my hopes of either Joanne or Cyn Er being the first to tell me just went down the drain...But anyway,he said I got straight As ! So obviously coming from him,I tend to be a little suspicious on the truthfulness of it all so I asked him whether he was serious or not but he did not reply. So I had to wait for like 4 hours or more until I could confirm my results which was when I finally talked to Joanne.

I got straight As ! :D Our whole bloody gang got freaking straight As OMG ASDFGDGHGHJLKI GAHHH ! :D I am so happy and just grateful that we all managed to get straight As and we'll all be in the same class next year ! Again ! :) For the past 3 years,I've gone through the happiest times of my life and a big part of that is because I had them by my side. I love them so so much <3 The bond I have with them is something I've never had before,ever ! :) Too bad I missed out on all the celebrations back in Malaysia.Oh well.Will find time to post about Sydney another day ! I need to return to the land over the rainbows <3