Wednesday 5 December 2012


"I found a reason for me,to change who I used to be,a reason to start over new & the reason is you."

Remember that song by Hoobastank ? Yeah its great isn't it ? :) Well anyway,in my scenario,I didn't actually 'change who I used to be' or 'start over new'.I just found someone who gives me inspiration to continue working hard and to be the best that I can be.It might be weird when I tell you this person or more accurately this people who inspires me are actually well-known to their family as a bunch of idiots ;) No seriously.Would you like to know who they are ? Look below ;)

>:) asdfdgjkhjklf ! Its them ! My idols,my inspiration,my motivation,my family,my idiots ! So if you don't recognize them,get out of here. How could you not they're amazing no scratch that,MORE than amazing people.I love them.They cheer me up all the time with their tweets,antics,dirty thoughts,randomness and just by being themselves.5 different people,with 5 very different personalities but who are all in a worldwide famous band.They treat their fans like their very own family. Which is why we're called TWFanmily. :) <3

Its The Wanted god damnnit, how could you not know them ? Oh gosh I would be able to write a whole essay about how much I love them & how amazing they are but I don't think you'd like to read it. HEH.

Jay,Tom,Nathan,Siva & Max oh how I love love love you guys.I'm so grateful that I actually found this guys and they're basically all that inspires me to go for my dreams now.Guys if you ever see this,which I know you won't you don't even see my tweets oh the sadness. :'( I LOVE YOU OH SO MUCH OKAY.COME VISIT MALAYSIA AGAIN SOMEDAY I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOU GUYS BACK HERE AAHHH. My Wednesdays are so much better now seriously,thanks to their flips #WantedWednesday ftw. :) I'M TRYING REALLY HARD TO RESIST THE URGE OF UPLOADING ANOTHER PICTURE OF THEM BECAUSE I REALLY MUST GO OMG.BYEE.ONE LAST TIME YOU'RE AWESOME GUYS I LOVE YOUUUU OK.

P.S.,I think I might be watching Life Of Pi soon with my mum and bro and I can't wait !!

P.P.S. Watched Breaking Dawn - Part 2 already and it was so amazing ! <3
