Thursday 18 October 2012

All In A Blur

School today. Wasted 5 hours in the hall doing nothing and listening to briefings by our teachers about our form 4 subjects. Funny thing is,as important as it sounds,no one bothered to listen. I guess we're all pretty much still feeling the after-exams mood where you don't feel like doing anything at all and the best part is you don't even need to. I don't even understand how that made sense. Oh gosh, I'm just ranting really. So this might be a good time for you to stop reading before you waste more of your time. I'm actually excited for form 4. Its a new syllabus,new subjects and new teachers :) I can't wait for next year. I'll make the most out of it. Wondering whether or not I should take English Literature. The thing is, I used to be really passionate about it. But now,I'm just not so sure anymore. I always thought that being a journalist or taking up any career that has to do with writing would be the right thing for me. Times change and people change. I don't feel that passionate about it anymore. Of course I still love to write. It is my favorite past time and i don't think it will change anytime soon. But now I feel like all that passion that I used to have for this its all not there anymore. Like my passion for cosmology took over. I love cosmology. I love studying about the Universe and everything in it. I yearn to find out everything about the Universe. How it was really created,whether or not the Big Bang theory is accepted and e.t.c. That is also why I always stay glued in front of the television if the History channel is showing the Universe :) Its all so fascinating don't you think ? But I don't think there is any chance at all for me pursuing a career in that field. I mean,I'm living in Malaysia. Lets face the facts and its not like most of the universities in the world offer this. Very few do and I am so lost. Oh gosh. I just think its really important to do something you are passionate about and not force yourself into something else. I won't be happy and I will hate my job. Is it too early to discuss this ? Maybe. So i might as well quit worrying and go to sleep , trust God to help me.