Wednesday 3 April 2013

Living young,wild & free

I just got back from the most failed Sukan Tara ever.Stupid school had to have it in the afternoon just because they didn't want to disrupt our study time and of course that resulted in many students not coming.*sigh* 

Thank God,for there were quite a number of rumah biru participants.Thank you guys to those who came for rumah biru :') Just hope we can emerge as the overall champions for sukan tara and gain more points.I skipped my tuition for it y'know ? And it started raining.Not heavily la but moderately.Can't believe I only managed to get like 5 points for rumah biru.Well I ain't the best thrower,nor am I the best jumper so yeah.At least I got 3 points for 100M (y).It was so funny cause right after my race was Eva's race and I shouted at her to go slower in chinese and she started laughing halfway and went slower :p Can't believe that actually worked ! And she came up to me half-pissed after that saying how the teachers scolded her for laughing.Oops.

Was a fun sukan tara though,and wet one.Had this mini water war with Eva,Appala and Razan.Was so stupid ermahgerd.But hey,no harm being a little kid once in a while right ?There were people staring but honestly. 

 At least it shows we're young at heart.HEH.

Anyway,school was sort of fun today too,with Joanne,Jay and Cynnie being so high.We were all singing HSM songs.(I know,whut.) Laughed a whole lot in class,and we managed to complete all our homework ! That never happens.So its sort of a bloody miracle ngehe. 

I think,my change is working.I'm completing all my homework on time,doing everything.I can't even believe it myself.But change is good.

Cheers to living young,wild and free :)