Monday 18 November 2013


Plain easy in some cases,indescribably difficult in others.
Especially in matters of life and death.Matters of fate,matters where we have no control over.

This happened a few months ago.The reason I didn't post it up here,was probably because I was too occupied with dealing with it and other things.

We lost him.An extremely friendly uncle to us,an indescribable father to them,and an even greater husband to her.It was hard.On all of us.I watched as they shed tears all the time,even now,a few months after he departed,we can still see the sadness in their eyes.Accepting that he was gone was hard.Things were never the same after that.We all miss him.The uncle who mercilessly but lovingly teased us,bought us food,joked with us.

Watching your best friend lose her father is probably the most painful thing I'd ever experienced.Standing there helplessly,all I had to offer was words of comfort and reassurance that I would be there for her.We cried with her,shared her sadness and pain.I wished so badly at that moment that all her sadness would go away and be replaced by happiness.If anything could be done,I would have did it.I just care for her so much and love her so much,watching her lose him was like losing my own family member.It hurt so bad.

We just had to accept that some things are out of our control.And there's nothing we can do now except for holding him in our hearts where he will leave forever.Uncle,you will be deeply missed.

The whole incident caused me to learn to cherish my loved ones more,as we never know whats gonna happen next.And this words rang home,as a few months after that,I lost one of my lifetime companions,one of my three dogs,Lassie.

I truly regretted as I honestly wished I could have just seen him one last time,pet his head one last time,felt his white fur one last time.But its too late now.It happened when I was in tuition,my dad was driving the car in,and I'm not too sure what happened either,but from what my mum told me,it seemed that he got knocked by the wheel,and the impact broke a few of his ribs.

They took him to the vet,but he was an old dog,an extremely old one,about 70 years or so I'd say.(In dog years) Maybe they could have operated on him,but I don't think his old,frail body could have taken it.So the vet suggested putting him down,to end his pain.And so they did.When I came back,he was gone,forever.I didn't even have the chance to see him one last time,to stroke his fur again.But,he had a long and eventful life,and I guess that is something I ought to be thankful for.He's in a better place now.I do miss him a lot though.It was my first experience losing a dog,and boy,it wasn't pleasant.

It made me wonder what would happen if I lost another one of my dogs,could I handle it.I just hope that time wouldn't come too soon,as I still want to spend more time with them,love them,and feel their love for me.Having a dog show you affection,licking you,its just one of the best feelings in the world.You can feel their love,and a dog's love is unconditional.

So,this post is about acceptance.Accepting that we can't control everything in our lives,and when the time comes,we'll just have to accept it.And make sure we don't have any regrets.Because you never know when you're gonna see someone for the last time.