Sunday 17 November 2013

Starry starry night.

"Starry,starry night,
 Paint your palette blue and grey,
 Look out on a summer's day,
 With eyes that know the darkness in my soul."

Just a few lines from one of my favorite songs by Vincent, Starry Starry Night.

Last night was wonderful.Mainly because its been too long since we've spent time together.(we referring to me and the gang) And it made me realize how much I've missed spending time with them and having them in the same class.Last year was so fun and I absolutely loved coming to school because it meant getting to spend time with them.However this year because of the streaming and rearranging of classes we were separated.At first I ignorantly thought things wouldn't be any different as its not like I'll never see them again,we'll just not be in the same class,but everything else would stay the way it was.Obviously,later I found out how terribly wrong I was as being in different classes changed a lot of things.

We still do spend time together,go on outings together,be retarded with each other.Just not as often as we used to.Many of the memories we shared were possible then as we were in the same class.Now,its that much harder to see each other and hang out.But despite everything,I'm glad none of us changed,we're all still as retarded as ever,and most importantly none of us forgot all the times we spent together,how much we enjoyed each other's company.That thought alone comforts me.It also gives me more reason to believe that this friendship,this bond,its one that will last.

Last night was a little boring at first,but then we warmed up and it was as if nothing had changed.We were as silly as we always were.Camwhoring,checking out guys,checking out girls,being mean to each other,doing stupid things together,taking silly videos.Credits to us all as we were basically stuck in one room,but we still had loads of fun.I love parties like this,occasions like this,nights like this,where we get together and really bond.And create more memories together.

Last night also made me nostalgic,as I remembered the us back then.Unknowingly,three years had passed,and this year is also drawing to a close,making it four years.Throughout these four years together,we truly lived it to the fullest.We shared many ups and downs together,moved mountains together.All in which brought us so much closer.We learned to appreciate each other,and to cherish this rare friendship.We protected each other when one of us got hurt,and loved each other unconditionally.

And finally,it dawned on me last night that next year is our last year together.In the same school.Of course we're all trying to be optimistic here,hoping that nothing will change even after that,and we would still be as close as ever.But then again,its hard to ignore the fact that we're all going our separate ways after next year.To different colleges,different states,then to different universities,different countries.We'll meet new people,make new friends.And although I'm hoping this wouldn't happen,but there is still a possibility that some of us would change and forget bout all the memories we made throughout these five years together.There really is nothing we can do now other than to accept that things might change after next year.But I'm positive that as long as we all make the effort to keep in touch and not forget bout each other,things will still work out.

This post is basically just to thank you guys,for all the joy you've brought to my life,all the memories we shared together.Frankly speaking I've never had a friendship this long,and all of you mean the absolute world to me.I don't know what the future holds for us,but I'm hoping whatever it is,its a good one.In the meantime,lets make our last year together the most memorable year yet,and spend each and every moment creating precious memories.Together.I love you guys.So so much.